oblique: význam a definice

AngličtinaZadejte slovo

Co je oblique?

  • Having a slanting or sloping direction, course, or position; inclined.
  • Mathematics Designating geometric lines or planes that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.
  • Botany Having sides of unequal length or form: an oblique leaf.
  • Anatomy Situated in a slanting position; not transverse or longitudinal: oblique muscles or ligaments.
  • Indirect or evasive: oblique political maneuvers.
  • Devious, misleading, or dishonest: gave oblique answers to the questions.
  • Not direct in descent; collateral.
  • Grammar Designating any noun case except the nominative or the vocative.
  • An oblique thing, such as a line, direction, or muscle.
  • Nautical The act of changing course by less than 90°.
  • At an angle of 45°.