notice: betydning og definisjoner

EngelskSkriv et ord

Hva er notice?

  • The act of noting or observing; perception or attention: That detail escaped my notice.
  • Respectful attention or consideration: grateful for the teacher's notice.
  • A written or printed announcement: a notice of sale.
  • A formal announcement, notification, or warning, especially an announcement of one's intention to withdraw from an agreement or leave a job: gave my employer two weeks' notice; raised the price without notice.
  • The condition of being formally warned or notified: put us on notice for chronic lateness.
  • A printed critical review, as of a play or book.
  • To take notice of; observe: noticed a figure in the doorway. See Synonyms at see1.
  • To perceive with the mind; detect: noticed several discrepancies.
  • To comment on; mention.
  • To treat with courteous attention.
  • To give or file a notice of: noticed the court case for next Tuesday.