%%: 意味、定義と翻訳


understandingとは何ですか? understandingbegripです


  • The quality or condition of one who understands; comprehension.

    De kwaliteit of toestand van iemand die begrijpt; begrip.

  • The faculty by which one understands; intelligence. See Synonyms at reason.

    Het vermogen waarmee men verstaat; intelligentie. Zie Synoniemen bij reason.

  • Individual or specified judgment or outlook; opinion.

    Individueel of gespecificeerd oordeel of visie; mening.

  • A compact implicit between two or more people or groups.
  • The matter implicit in such a compact.
  • A reconciliation of differences; a state of agreement: They finally reached an understanding.
  • A disposition to appreciate or share the feelings and thoughts of others; sympathy.
  • Characterized by or having comprehension, good sense, or discernment.
  • Compassionate; sympathetic.

