fiddleviool: المعنى، والتعريفات، والترجمات

قاموس اللغة الإنكليزية%dictionary_xs%الهولندية

ما معنىfiddle؟ معنى fiddle هو viool

ما معنىviool؟

  • A violin.
  • A member of the violin family.
  • Nautical A guardrail used on a table during rough weather to prevent things from slipping off.
  • Informal Nonsensical, trifling matters: "There are things that are important/beyond all this fiddle” ( Marianne Moore).
  • The act or an instance of cheating or swindling; a fraud.

    De handeling of een geval van bedrog of oplichting; een fraudeur.

  • To play a violin.
  • To move one's fingers or hands in a nervous fashion.
  • To occupy oneself in an aimless or desultory way: liked to fiddle with all the knobs and dials.
  • To meddle or tamper: a reporter who fiddled with the facts.
  • To commit a fraud, especially to steal from one's employer.
  • To play (a tune) on a violin.
  • To cheat or swindle.
  • To alter or falsify (accounts, for example) for dishonest gain.
  • fiddle away To waste or squander: fiddled away the morning with unnecessary tasks.

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