nipple: signification et définitions

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Qu'est-ce qu'un nipple?

  • The small projection near the center of the mammary gland containing the outlets of the milk ducts through which young mammals obtain milk from the adult female; a teat.
  • A corresponding projection of the male breast.
  • The rubber cap on a bottle from which a baby nurses.
  • A pacifier for an infant.
  • Any of various devices functioning like or resembling a nipple, especially:
  • A regulated opening for discharging a liquid, as in a small stopcock.
  • A pipe coupling threaded on both ends.
  • A short extension of pipe to which a nozzle can be attached.
  • A small projection through which grease in a grease gun can be forced into a bearing.
  • A natural or geographic projection resembling a nipple, as a mountain crest.