mounts: significado e definições

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O que é mounts?

  • To climb or ascend: mount stairs.
  • To place oneself upon; get up on: mount a horse; mount a platform.
  • To climb onto (a female) for copulation. Used of male animals.
  • To furnish with a horse for riding. To set on a horse: mount the saddle.
  • To set in a raised position: mount a bed on blocks.
  • To fix securely to a support: mount an engine in a car. To place or fix on or in the appropriate support or setting for display or study: mount stamps in an album; mount cells on a slide.
  • To provide with scenery, costumes, and other equipment necessary for production: mount a play.
  • To organize and equip: mount an army.
  • To prepare and set in motion: mount an attack.
  • To set in position for use: mount guns. To carry as equipment: The warship mounted ten guns.
  • To post (a guard).
  • To go upward; rise: The sun mounts into the sky.
  • To get up on something, as a horse or bicycle.
  • To increase in amount, extent, or intensity: Costs are mounting up. Fear quickly mounted. See Synonyms at rise.
  • The act or manner of mounting.
  • A means of conveyance, such as a horse, on which to ride.
  • An opportunity to ride a horse in a race.
  • An object to which another is affixed or on which another is placed for accessibility, display, or use, especially: A glass slide for use with a microscope. A hinge used to fasten stamps in an album. A setting for a jewel. An undercarriage or stand on which a device rests while in service.
  • Abbr. A mountain or hill. Used especially as part of a proper name.
  • Any of the seven fleshy cushions around the edges of the palm of the hand in palmistry.