motor: Bedeutung und Definitionen

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Was heißt motor?

  • Something, such as a machine or an engine, that produces or imparts motion.
  • A device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy, especially an internal-combustion engine or an arrangement of coils and magnets that converts electric current into mechanical power.
  • A motor vehicle, especially an automobile: "It was a night of lovers. All along the highway ... motors were parked and dim figures were clasped in revery” ( Sinclair Lewis).
  • Causing or producing motion: motor power.
  • Driven by or having a motor.
  • Of or for motors or motor vehicles: motor oil.
  • Of, relating to, or designating nerves that carry impulses from the nerve centers to the muscles.
  • Involving or relating to movements of the muscles: motor coordination; a motor reflex.
  • To drive or travel in a motor vehicle.
  • To carry by motor vehicle.