mission : अर्थ और परिभाषाएं

अंग्रेज़ीएक शब्द टाइप करें

mission क्या हैं?

  • A body of persons sent to conduct negotiations or establish relations with a foreign country.
  • The business with which such a body of persons is charged.
  • A permanent diplomatic office abroad.
  • A body of experts or dignitaries sent to a foreign country.
  • A body of persons sent to a foreign land by a religious organization, especially a Christian organization, to spread its faith or provide educational, medical, and other assistance.
  • A mission established abroad.
  • The district assigned to a mission worker.
  • A building or compound housing a mission.
  • An organization for carrying on missionary work in a territory.
  • Missionary duty or work.
  • A Christian church or congregation with no cleric of its own that depends for support on a larger religious organization.
  • A series of special Christian services for purposes of proselytizing.
  • A welfare or educational organization established for the needy people of a district.
  • A special assignment given to a person or group: an agent on a secret mission.
  • A combat operation assigned to a person or military unit.
  • An aerospace operation intended to carry out specific program objectives: a mission to Mars.
  • An inner calling to pursue an activity or perform a service; a vocation.
  • To send on a mission.
  • To organize or establish a religious mission among or in.
  • Of or relating to a mission.
  • Of or relating to a style of architecture or furniture used in the early Spanish missions of California.
  • Of, relating to, or having the distinctive qualities of an early 20th-century style of plain, heavy, dark-stained wood furniture.