marker: significato e definizioni

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Cos'è marker?

  • One that marks or serves as a mark, as:
  • A bookmark.
  • A tombstone.
  • A milestone.
  • An implement, especially a felt-tipped pen, used for marking or writing.
  • One who marks objects, especially for industrial purposes.
  • One who grades student papers.
  • Sports A device, such as a line, stake, or flag, set on a playing field and showing the playing or scoring position.
  • Sports A player who guards an opponent, as in soccer.
  • Sports An official in certain court games, such as squash, who mainly judges whether the ball is out of play and whether a fault or let has occurred.
  • Games One that keeps score in various games.
  • Games A score in a game.
  • Slang A written, signed promissory note.
  • A genetic marker.
  • Medicine A physiological substance, such as human chorionic gonadotropin or alpha-fetoprotein, that when present in abnormal amounts in the serum may indicate the presence of disease, as that caused by a malignancy. Also called biomarker.
  • Linguistics An element that indicates grammatical class or function; a derivational or inflectional morpheme.