live: 意味と定義



  • To be alive; exist.
  • Electricity Carrying an electric current or energized with electricity: live cables lying dangerously on the ground.
  • To continue to be alive: lived through a bad accident.
  • To support oneself; subsist: living on rice and fish; lives on a small inheritance.
  • To reside; dwell: lives on a farm.
  • To conduct one's life in a particular manner: lived frugally.
  • To pursue a positive, satisfying existence; enjoy life: those who truly live.
  • To remain in human memory: an event that lives on in our minds.
  • To spend or pass (one's life).
  • To go through; experience: lived a nightmare.
  • To practice in one's life: live one's beliefs.
  • live down To overcome or reduce the shame of (a misdeed, for example) over a period of time.
  • live in To reside in the place where one is employed: household servants who live in.
  • live out To live outside one's place of domestic employment: household servants who live out.
  • live with To put up with; resign oneself to: disliked the situation but had to live with it.
  • live it up Slang To engage in festive pleasures or extravagances.
  • live up to To live or act in accordance with: lived up to their parents' ideals.
  • live up to To prove equal to: a new technology that did not live up to our expectations.
  • live up to To carry out; fulfill: lived up to her end of the bargain.
  • Having life; alive: live animals. See Synonyms at living.
  • Of, related to, or occurring during the life of one that is living: a live birth; the live weight of an animal before being slaughtered.
  • Of current interest or relevance: a live topic; still a live option.
  • Informal Full of life, excitement, or activity; lively: a live crowd at the parade; a live party.
  • Glowing; burning: live coals.
  • Not yet exploded but capable of being fired: live ammunition.