late: signification et définitions

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Qu'est-ce qu'un late?

  • Coming, occurring, or remaining after the correct, usual, or expected time; delayed: The bus is late. See Synonyms at tardy.
  • Beginning after or continuing past the usual or expected hour: a late breakfast; a late meeting.
  • Occurring at an advanced hour, especially well into the evening or night: a late movie on television; the late flight to Denver.
  • Of or toward the end or more advanced part, as of a period or stage: the late 19th century; a later symptom of the disease.
  • Having begun or occurred just previous to the present time; recent: a late development.
  • Contemporary; up-to-date: the latest fashion.
  • Having recently occupied a position or place: the company's late president gave the address.
  • Dead, especially if only recently deceased: in memory of the late explorer.
  • After the expected, usual, or proper time: a train that arrived late; woke late and had to skip breakfast.
  • At or until an advanced hour: talked late into the evening.
  • At or into an advanced period or stage: a project undertaken late in her career.
  • Recently: As late as last week he was still in town.
  • of late Recently; lately: was feeling better of late.