land: kelime anlamı ve tanımları

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land nedir?

  • The solid ground of the earth.
  • Ground or soil: tilled the land.
  • A topographically or functionally distinct tract: desert land; prime building land.
  • A nation; a country.
  • The people of a nation, district, or region.
  • Territorial possessions or property.
  • Public or private landed property; real estate.
  • Law A tract that may be owned, together with everything growing or constructed on it.
  • Law A landed estate.
  • An agricultural or farming area: wanted to buy a house on the land.
  • Farming considered as a way of life: "The 'back to the land movement' began a couple years ago at the peak of South Korea's economic development and has roots in environmentalism and Buddhist philosophy.” ( Michael Baker).
  • An area or realm: the land of make-believe; the land of television.
  • The raised portion of a grooved surface, as on a phonograph record.
  • To bring to and unload on land: land cargo.
  • To set (a vehicle) down on land or another surface: land an airplane smoothly; land a seaplane on a lake.
  • Informal To cause to arrive in a place or condition: Civil disobedience will land you in jail.
  • To catch and pull in (a fish): landed a big catfish.
  • Informal To win; secure: land a big contract.
  • Informal To deliver: landed a blow on his opponent's head.
  • To come to shore: landed against the current with great difficulty.
  • To disembark: landed at a crowded dock.
  • To descend toward and settle onto the ground or another surface: The helicopter has landed.
  • Informal To arrive in a place or condition: landed at the theater too late for the opening curtain; landed in trouble for being late.
  • To come to rest in a certain way or place: slipped and landed on his shoulder.