keep: betydelser og definitioner

EngelskSkriv et ord

Hvad er keep?

  • To retain possession of: kept the change; must keep your composure.
  • To cause to continue in a state, condition, or course of action: tried to keep the patient calm.
  • To have as a supply: keep an ax in the shed.
  • To provide (a family, for example) with maintenance and support: "There's little to earn and many to keep” ( Charles Kingsley).
  • To support (a mistress or lover) financially.
  • To put customarily; store: Where do you keep your saw?
  • To supply with room and board for a charge: keep boarders.
  • To raise: keep chickens.
  • To maintain for use or service: an urbanite who didn't keep a car.
  • To manage, tend, or have charge of: Keep the shop while I'm away.
  • To preserve (food).
  • To maintain records in: keep a yearly diary.
  • To enter (data) in a book: keep financial records.
  • To detain: was kept after school.
  • To restrain: kept the child away from the stove; kept the crowd back with barriers.
  • To prevent or deter: tried to keep the ice from melting.
  • To refrain from divulging: keep a secret.
  • To save; reserve: keep extra money for emergencies.
  • To adhere or conform to; follow: keep late hours.
  • To be faithful to; fulfill: keep one's word.
  • To celebrate; observe.
  • To remain in a state or condition; stay: keep in line; keep quiet; kept well.
  • To continue to do: keep on talking; keep guessing.
  • To remain fresh or unspoiled: The dessert won't keep.
  • To restrain oneself; hold oneself back: I couldn't keep from eavesdropping.