jump: betydning og definisjoner

EngelskSkriv et ord

Hva er jump?

  • To move suddenly and in one motion: jumped out of bed.
  • To spring off the ground or other base by a muscular effort of the legs and feet.
  • To move involuntarily, as in surprise: jumped when the phone rang.
  • To parachute from an aircraft.
  • Informal To move quickly; hustle: Jump when I give you an order.
  • To take prompt advantage; respond quickly: jump at a bargain.
  • To enter eagerly into an activity; plunge: jumped into the race for the nomination.
  • To begin or start. Often used with off: The project jumped off with great enthusiasm.
  • To form an opinion or judgment hastily: jump to conclusions.
  • To make a sudden verbal attack; lash out: jumped at me for being late.
  • To undergo a sudden and pronounced increase: Prices jumped in October.
  • To rise suddenly in position or rank: jumped over two others with more seniority.
  • To move discontinuously or change after a short period: jumps from one subject to another; jumped from one job to another.
  • To be displaced by a sudden jerk: The phonograph needle jumped.
  • To be displaced vertically or laterally because of improper alignment: The film jumped during projection.
  • Computer Science To move from one set of instructions in a program to another out of sequence.
  • Games To move over an opponent's playing piece in a board game.
  • Games To make a jump bid in bridge.
  • Slang To be lively; bustle: a disco that really jumps.
  • To leap over or across: jump a fence.
  • To leap onto: jump a bus.
  • Slang To spring upon in sudden attack; assault or ambush: Muggers jumped him in the park.
  • To move or start prematurely before: jumped the starting signal.
  • To cause to leap: jump a horse over a fence.
  • To cause to increase suddenly: shortages that jumped milk prices by several cents.