jaw: betydelser og definitioner

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Hvad er jaw?

Hvad er jaw?

  • Either of two bony or cartilaginous structures that in most vertebrates form the framework of the mouth and hold the teeth.
  • The mandible or maxilla or the part of the face covering these bones.
  • Any of various structures of invertebrates that have an analogous function to vertebrate jaws.
  • Either of two opposed hinged parts in a mechanical device.
  • The walls of a pass, canyon, or cavern.
  • A dangerous situation or confrontation: the jaws of death.
  • Slang Impudent argument or back talk: Don't give me any jaw.
  • Slang A conversation or chat.
  • Slang To talk vociferously; jabber.
  • Slang To talk; converse.

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