jars: значение и определения

АнглийскийВведите слово

Что такое jars?

  • A cylindrical glass or earthenware vessel with a wide mouth and usually no handles.
  • The amount that a jar can hold.
  • Chiefly British A glass of beer.
  • To cause shaking or vibrations: The ride over the old road was jarring. To shake or vibrate from an impact or impacts:"The gallery jarred with a quick, heavy tramp"(Robert Louis Stevenson).
  • To be disturbing or irritating; grate: The incessant talking jarred on my nerves.
  • To be out of harmony; clash or conflict: The curtains jar with the rest of the room.
  • To cause to shake or vibrate from impact: The ride on the donkey jarred my bones.
  • To startle or unsettle; shock: The alarm jarred him out of sleep.