studious-studioso: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is studious? studious is studioso

What is studioso?

  • Given to diligent study: a quiet, studious child.

    Dato a uno studio diligente: un bambino tranquillo, studioso.

  • Conducive to study.

    Favorevole allo studio.

  • Marked by steady attention and effort; assiduous: made a studious attempt to fix the television set.

    Caratterizzato da costante attenzione e impegno; assiduo: ha fatto un tentativo studioso di sistemare il televisore.

  • Giving or evincing careful regard; heedful: "The major . . . was very studious of his appearance” ( H.E. Bates).

    Dare o dimostrare attenta considerazione; Attenzione: "Il maggiore . . . era molto studioso del suo aspetto" (H.E. Bates).

  • Deliberate; contrived.

    Deliberare; Artificiosa.

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