harsh-duro: meaning, definitions and translations

English dictionaryEnglishItalian

What is harsh? harsh is duro

What is duro?

  • Unpleasantly coarse and rough to the touch. See Synonyms at rough.

    Sgradevolmente grossolano e ruvido al tatto. Vedere Sinonimi a grezzo.

  • Disagreeable to the senses, especially to the sense of hearing.

    Sgradevole per i sensi, specialmente per il senso dell'udito.

  • Severe, cruel, or exacting: harsh punishment; a harsh overseer.

    Grave, crudele o esigente: punizione dura; un sovrintendente duro.

  • Unpleasant or uncomfortable: a harsh wilderness.

    Sgradevole o scomodo: un deserto aspro.

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