issue: znaczenie i definicje

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Co jest issue?

  • The act or an instance of flowing, passing, or giving out.
  • The act of circulating, distributing, or publishing by an office or official group: government issue of new bonds.
  • Something produced, published, or offered, as:
  • An item or set of items, as stamps or coins, made available at one time by an office or bureau.
  • A single copy of a periodical: the May issue of the magazine.
  • A distinct set of copies of an edition of a book distinguished from others of that edition by variations in the printed matter.
  • A final result or conclusion, as a solution to a problem.
  • Proceeds from estates or fines.
  • Something proceeding from a specified source: suspicions that were the issue of a deranged mind.
  • Offspring; progeny: died without issue.
  • A point or matter of discussion, debate, or dispute: legal and moral issues.
  • A matter of public concern: debated economic issues.
  • A misgiving, objection, or complaint: had issues with the plan to change the curriculum.
  • The essential point; crux: the issue of how to provide adequate child care.
  • A culminating point leading to a decision: bring a case to an issue.
  • Informal A personal problem or emotional disorder: The teacher discussed the child's issues with his parents.
  • A place of egress; an outlet: a lake with no issue to the sea.
  • Pathology A discharge, as of blood or pus.
  • Pathology A lesion, wound, or ulcer producing such a discharge.
  • Archaic Termination; close.
  • To go or come out. See Synonyms at appear.
  • To accrue as proceeds or profit: Little money issued from the stocks.
  • To be born or be descended.
  • To be circulated or published.
  • To spring or proceed from a source. See Synonyms at stem1.