isolate: significado e definições

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O que é isolate?

  • To set apart or cut off from others.
  • To place in quarantine.
  • Chemistry To separate (a substance) in pure form from a combined mixture.
  • To render free of external influence; insulate.
  • Microbiology To separate (a pure strain) from a mixed bacterial or fungal culture.
  • Psychology To separate (experiences or memories) from the emotions relating to them.
  • Electricity To set apart (a component, circuit, or system) from a source of electricity.
  • Electricity To insulate or shield.
  • Solitary; alone.
  • A person, thing, or group that has been isolated, as by geographic, ecologic, or social barriers.
  • Biology A population of bacteria or other cells that has been isolated.
  • Linguistics A language isolate.