input: signification et définitions

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Qu'est-ce qu'un input?

  • Something put into a system or expended in its operation to achieve output or a result, especially:
  • Energy, work, or power used to drive a machine.
  • Current, electromotive force, or power supplied to an electric circuit, network, or device.
  • Computer Science Information put into a communications system for transmission or into a computer system for processing.
  • Computer Science A position, terminal, or station at which input enters a system.
  • Any of the items, including materials, equipment, and funds, required for production.
  • The act of putting in; infusion: a steady input of fuel.
  • An amount put in.
  • Usage Problem Contribution of information or a comment or viewpoint: a discussion with input from all members of the group.
  • Usage Problem Information in general.
  • Computer Science To enter (data or a program) into a computer.