honorable: signification et définitions

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Qu'est-ce qu'un honorable?

  • Deserving or winning honor and respect: led an honorable life.
  • Bringing distinction or recognition: honorable service to one's nation.
  • Possessing and characterized by honor: an honorable person.
  • Consistent with honor or good name: followed the only honorable course of action.
  • Distinguished; illustrious: this honorable gathering of scholars.
  • Attended by marks of recognition and honor: received an honorable burial.
  • Used as a title of respect for certain high government officials: The Honorable Jane Doe, Associate Justice of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts.
  • Used as a courtesy title for the children of barons and viscounts and the younger sons of earls.
  • Used in the House of Commons as a title of respect when speaking of another member.