heavy: betydning og definisjoner

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Hva er heavy?

Hva er heavy?

  • Having relatively great weight: a heavy load.
  • Having relatively high density; having a high specific gravity.
  • Large, as in number or quantity: a heavy turnout; heavy casualties.
  • Large in yield or output: heavy rainfall.
  • Of great intensity: heavy activity; heavy fighting.
  • Having great power or force: a heavy punch.
  • Violent; rough: heavy seas.
  • Equipped with massive armaments and weapons: a heavy cruiser; heavy infantry.
  • Large enough to fire powerful shells: heavy guns.
  • Indulging to a great degree: a heavy drinker.
  • Involved or participating on a large scale: a heavy investor.
  • Of great import or seriousness; grave: heavy matters of state.
  • Having considerable thickness: a heavy coat.
  • Broad or coarse: drew the face with heavy lines.
  • Dense; thick: a heavy fog.
  • Slow to dissipate; strong: "There was a heavy fragrance of flowers and lemon trees” ( Mario Puzo).
  • Too dense or rich to digest easily: a heavy dessert.
  • Insufficiently leavened: heavy bread.
  • Full of clay and readily saturated: heavy soil.
  • Weighed down; burdened: trees heavy with plums.
  • Emotionally weighed down; despondent: a heavy heart.
  • Marked by or exhibiting weariness: heavy lids.
  • Sad or painful: heavy news.
  • Hard to do or accomplish; arduous: heavy going; heavy reading.
  • Not easily borne; oppressive: heavy taxes.

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