have: betekenis en definities

EngelsTyp een woord

What is have?

  • To be in possession of: already had a car.
  • To possess as a characteristic, quality, or function: has a beard; had a great deal of energy.
  • To possess or contain as a constituent part: a car that has air bags.
  • To occupy a particular relation to: had many disciples.
  • To possess knowledge of or facility in: has very little Spanish.
  • To hold in the mind; entertain: had doubts about their loyalty.
  • To use or exhibit in action: have compassion.
  • To come into possession of; acquire: Not one copy of the book was to be had in the entire town.
  • To receive; get: I had a letter from my cousin.
  • To accept; take: I'll have the peas instead of the spinach.
  • To suffer from: have defective vision.
  • To be subject to the experience of: had a difficult time last winter.
  • To cause to do something, as by persuasion or compulsion: had my assistant run the errand.
  • To cause to be in a specified place or state: had the guests in the dining room; had everyone fascinated.
  • To permit; allow: I won't have that kind of behavior in my house.
  • To carry on, perform, or execute: have an argument.
  • To place at a disadvantage: Your opponent in the debate had you on every issue.
  • Informal To get the better of, especially by trickery or deception: They realized too late that they'd been had by a swindler.
  • Informal To influence by dishonest means; bribe: an incorruptible official who could not be had.
  • To procreate (offspring): wanted to have a child.
  • To give birth to; bear: She's going to have a baby.
  • To partake of: have lunch.
  • To be obliged to; must: We simply have to get there on time.
  • To engage in sexual intercourse with.
  • Used with a past participle to form the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect tenses indicating completed action: The troublemaker has gone for good. I regretted that I had lost my temper. They will have finished by the time we arrive.