

什么是 graft

  • To unite (a shoot or bud) with a growing plant by insertion or by placing in close contact.
  • To join (a plant or plants) by such union.
  • To transplant or implant (living tissue, for example) surgically into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.
  • To join or unite closely: graft new customs onto old.
  • To make a graft.
  • To be or become joined.
  • A detached shoot or bud united or to be united with a growing plant.
  • The union or point of union of a detached shoot or bud with a growing plant by insertion or attachment.
  • A plant produced by such union.
  • Material, especially living tissue or an organ, surgically attached to or inserted into a bodily part to replace a damaged part or compensate for a defect.
  • The procedure of implanting or transplanting such material.
  • The configuration or condition resulting from such a procedure.
  • Unscrupulous use of one's position to derive profit or advantages; extortion.
  • Money or an advantage gained or yielded by unscrupulous means.
  • To gain by or practice unscrupulous use of one's position.