gold: betekenis en definities

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What is gold?

  • A soft, yellow, corrosion-resistant element, the most malleable and ductile metal, occurring in veins and alluvial deposits and recovered by mining or by panning or sluicing. A good thermal and electrical conductor, gold is generally alloyed to increase its strength, and it is used as an international monetary standard, in jewelry, for decoration, and as a plated coating on a wide variety of electrical and mechanical components. Atomic number 79; atomic weight 196.967; melting point 1,063.0°C; boiling point 2,966.0°C; specific gravity 19.32; valence 1, 3. See Table at element.
  • Coinage made of this element.
  • A gold standard.
  • Money; riches.
  • A light olive-brown to dark yellow, or a moderate, strong to vivid yellow.
  • Something regarded as having great value or goodness: a heart of gold.
  • A medal made of gold awarded to one placing first in a competition, as in the Olympics: won 9 golds in 13 events.
  • A gold record.
  • Having the color of gold.