glove: значение и определения

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Что такое glove?

  • A fitted covering for the hand with a separate sheath for each finger and the thumb.
  • A gauntlet.
  • Sports Any of various coverings for the hand designed to provide protection or improve the grip, as:
  • Sports An oversized leather glove used for catching baseballs, especially one with more finger sheaths than the catcher's or first baseman's mitt.
  • Sports A glove made of leather and fabric having padding on the back and extending over the wrist, used in hockey and lacrosse.
  • Sports A boxing glove.
  • Sports A close-fitting leather glove used to improve the grip, as in batting or in golf.
  • Baseball Fielding ability: a shortstop with a good glove.
  • To furnish with gloves.
  • To cover with or as if with a glove.
  • To don gloves, as before performing an operation on a patient.