get: znaczenie i definicje

AngielskiWpisz słowo

Co jest get?

  • To come into possession or use of; receive: got a cat for her birthday.
  • To meet with or incur: got nothing but trouble for her efforts.
  • To go after and obtain: got a book at the library; got breakfast in town.
  • To go after and bring: Get me a pillow.
  • To purchase; buy: get groceries.
  • To acquire as a result of action or effort: He got his information from the Internet. You can't get water out of a stone.
  • To earn: got high marks in math.
  • To accomplish or attain as a result of military action.
  • To obtain by concession or request: couldn't get the time off; got permission to go.
  • To arrive at; reach: When did you get home?
  • To reach and board; catch: She got her plane two minutes before takeoff.
  • To succeed in communicating with, as by telephone: can't get me at the office until nine.
  • To become affected with (an illness, for example) by infection or exposure; catch: get the flu; got the mumps.
  • To be subjected to; undergo: got a severe concussion.
  • To receive as retribution or punishment: got six years in prison for tax fraud.
  • To sustain a stated injury to: got my arm broken.
  • To gain or have understanding of: Do you get this question?
  • To learn (a poem, for example) by heart; memorize.
  • To find or reach by calculating: get a total; can't get the answer.
  • To perceive by hearing: I didn't get your name when we were introduced.
  • To procreate; beget.
  • To cause to become or be in a specified state or condition: got the children tired and cross; got the shirt clean.
  • To make ready; prepare: get lunch for a crowd.
  • To cause to come or go: got the car through traffic.
  • To cause to move or leave: Get me out of here!