frog: betekenis en definities

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What is frog?

What is frog?

  • Any of numerous tailless, aquatic, semiaquatic, or terrestrial amphibians of the order Anura and especially of the family Ranidae, characteristically having a smooth moist skin, webbed feet, and long hind legs adapted for leaping.
  • A wedge-shaped, horny prominence in the sole of a horse's hoof.
  • A loop fastened to a belt to hold a tool or weapon.
  • An ornamental looped braid or cord with a button or knot for fastening the front of a garment.
  • A device on intersecting railroad tracks that permits wheels to cross the junction.
  • A spiked or perforated device used to support stems in a flower arrangement.
  • The nut of a violin bow.
  • Informal Hoarseness or phlegm in the throat.
  • Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a French person.

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