become- devenir: význam, definície a preklady

Angličtina slovník%dictionary_xs%Francúzština

Čo je become? become je devenir

Čo je devenir?

  • To grow or come to be: became more knowledgeable; will become clearer in the morning.

    Grandir ou devenir : est devenu plus compétent ; deviendra plus clair le matin.

  • To be appropriate or suitable to: "It would not become me . . . to interfere with parties” ( Jonathan Swift).

    Être approprié ou approprié pour:

  • To show to advantage; look good with: The new suit becomes you.

    Montrer à l’avantage; regardez bien avec: Le nouveau costume devient vous.

  • become of To be the fate of; happen to: What has become of the old garden?

    devenir de Être le destin de; Qu’est-il advenu de l’ancien jardin?

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