forcings: betydning og definisjoner

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Hva er forcings?

  • The capacity to do work or cause physical change; energy, strength, or active power: the force of an explosion.
  • Power made operative against resistance; exertion: use force in driving a nail. The use of physical power or violence to compel or restrain: a confession obtained by force.
  • Intellectual power or vigor, especially as conveyed in writing or speech. Moral strength. A capacity for affecting the mind or behavior; efficacy: the force of logical argumentation. One that possesses such capacity: the forces of evil.
  • A body of persons or other resources organized or available for a certain purpose: a large labor force. A person or group capable of influential action: a retired senator who is still a force in national politics.
  • Military strength. A unit of a nation's military personnel, especially one deployed into combat: Our armed forces have at last engaged the enemy.
  • Physics A vector quantity that tends to produce an acceleration of a body in the direction of its application. Newton's second law of motion states that a free body accelerates in the direction of the applied force and that its acceleration is directly proportional to the force and inversely proportional to its mass. See fundamental force.
  • Baseball A force play.
  • To compel through pressure or necessity: I forced myself to practice daily. He was forced to take a second job.
  • To gain by the use of force or coercion: force a confession. To move or effect against resistance or inertia: forced my foot into the shoe. To inflict or impose relentlessly: He forced his ideas upon the group.
  • To put undue strain on: She forced her voice despite being hoarse. To increase or accelerate (a pace, for example) to the maximum. To produce with effort and against one's will: force a laugh in spite of pain. To use (language) with obvious lack of ease and naturalness.
  • To move, open, or clear by force: forced our way through the crowd. To break down or open by force: force a lock.
  • To rape.
  • To induce change in (a complex system) by changing one of its parameters: greenhouse gases that force the earth's climate.
  • Botany To cause to grow or mature by artificially accelerating normal processes.
  • Baseball To put (a runner) out on a force play. To allow (a run) to be scored by walking a batter when the bases are loaded.
  • Games To cause an opponent to play (a particular card).
  • In full strength; in large numbers: Demonstrators were out in force.
  • In effect; operative: a rule that is no longer in force.