fog: significado e definições

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O que é fog?

  • Condensed water vapor in cloudlike masses lying close to the ground and limiting visibility.
  • An obscuring haze, as of atmospheric dust or smoke.
  • A mist or film clouding a surface, as of a window, lens, or mirror.
  • A cloud of vaporized liquid, especially a chemical spray used in fighting fires.
  • A state of mental vagueness or bewilderment.
  • Something that obscures or conceals; a haze: shrouded their actions in a fog of disinformation.
  • A blur on a developed photographic image.
  • To cover or envelop with or as if with fog.
  • To cause to be obscured; cloud.
  • To make vague, hazy, or confused: a memory that had been fogged by time.
  • To obscure or dim (a photographic image).
  • To be covered with or as if with fog.
  • To be blurred, clouded, or obscured: My glasses fogged in the warm air.
  • To be dimmed or obscured. Used of a photographic image.
  • A new growth of grass appearing on a field that has been mowed or grazed.
  • Tall, decaying grass left standing after the cutting or grazing season.