flap: ความหมายและคำอธิบายความหมาย


flap คืออะไร

  • A flat, usually thin piece attached at only one side.
  • A projecting or hanging piece usually intended to double over and protect or cover: the flap of an envelope.
  • The act of waving or fluttering: the flap of the flag in the wind.
  • The sound produced by this motion.
  • A blow given with something flat; a slap.
  • A variable control surface on the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, used primarily to increase lift or drag.
  • Either of the folded ends of a book jacket that fit inside the front and back covers.
  • Medicine Tissue that has been partially detached and used in surgical grafting to fill an adjacent defect or cover the cut end of a bone after amputation.
  • Linguistics A sound articulated by a single, quick touch of the tongue against the teeth or alveolar ridge, as (t) in water. Also called tap1.
  • Informal A commotion or disturbance: a flap in Congress over the defense budget.
  • To wave (the arms, for example) up and down.
  • To cause to move or sway with a fluttering or waving motion.
  • To hit with something broad and flat; slap.
  • Informal To fling down; toss.
  • To move or sway while fixed at one edge or corner; flutter: banners flapping in the breeze.
  • To wave arms or wings up and down.
  • To fly by beating the air with the wings.
  • Informal To become upset or flustered.