flag: значение и определения

АнглийскийВведите слово

Что такое flag?

  • A piece of cloth, usually rectangular, of distinctive color and design, used as a symbol, standard, signal, or emblem.
  • National or other allegiance, as symbolized by a flag: ships of the same flag.
  • A ship carrying the flag of an admiral; a flagship.
  • A marking device, such as a gummed strip of paper, attached to an object to attract attention or ease identification; a tab.
  • The masthead of a newspaper.
  • Music A cross stroke that halves the value of a note to which it is added.
  • A distinctively shaped or marked tail, as of a dog or deer.
  • Computer Science A variable or memory location that stores true-or-false, yes-or-no information.
  • To mark with a flag or flags for identification or ornamentation: flag a parade route; flagging parts of a manuscript for later review.
  • To signal with or as if with a flag.
  • To signal to stop: flag down a passing car.
  • A plant, such as an iris or cattail, that has long sword-shaped leaves.
  • To hang limply; droop.
  • To decline in vigor or strength: The conversation flagged.
  • A flagstone.
  • To pave with slabs of flagstone.