explode: المعنى والتعريفات

الإنكليزيةاكتب كلمة

ما معنىexplode؟

  • To release mechanical, chemical, or nuclear energy by the sudden production of gases in a confined space: The bomb exploded.
  • To burst violently as a result of internal pressure.
  • To shatter with a loud noise: The vase exploded into tiny pieces when it hit the floor.
  • To make an emotional outburst: My neighbor exploded in rage at the trespassers.
  • To increase suddenly, sharply, and without control: The population level in this area has exploded during the past 12 years.
  • To change state or appearance suddenly: Over the weekend the trees exploded with color.
  • Sports To hit a golf ball out of a sand trap with a shot that scatters the sand.
  • To cause to release energy or burst violently and noisily: The children exploded three firecrackers.
  • To show to be false or unreliable: explode a hypothesis.
  • Sports To hit (a golf ball) out of a sand trap with an explosive shot.