exhibit betydelser och definitioner

EngelskaSkriv ett ord

Vad är exhibit?

  • To show outwardly; display: exhibited pleasure by smiling.
  • To present for others to see: rolled up his sleeve to exhibit the scar.
  • To present in a public exhibition or contest: exhibited her paintings at a gallery. See Synonyms at show.
  • To give evidence or an instance of; demonstrate: young musicians eager to exhibit their talent; a plant that exhibits dimorphism.
  • Law To submit (evidence or documents) in a court.
  • Law To present or introduce officially.
  • To put something on public display.
  • The act or an instance of exhibiting.
  • Something exhibited: studied the dinosaur exhibits at the museum.
  • A public showing; an exhibition: spent the afternoon at the space exhibit.
  • Law Something, such as a document, formally introduced as evidence in court.