trundling-rodantes: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is trundling? trundling is rodantes

What is rodantes?

  • A small wheel or roller.

    Una pequeña rueda o rodillo.

  • The motion or noise of rolling:"The train is in full trundle now, wheels singing on the tracks"(Michael Lowenthal).

    El movimiento o ruido del balanceo:

  • A trundle bed.

    Una cama nido.

  • A low-wheeled cart; a dolly.

    Un carro de ruedas bajas; un dolly.

  • To push or propel on one or more wheels or rollers:"I doubt if Emerson could trundle a wheelbarrow through the streets"(Henry David Thoreau).

    Para empujar o propulsar sobre una o más ruedas o rodillos:

  • To carry, convey, or cause to move, especially in a vehicle:"His mother had trundled him off to Sunday school .. right up to the time he was ten"(Tom Wolfe).

    Para transportar, transportar o hacer que se mueva, especialmente en un vehículo:

  • To move along by rolling or spinning: The bus trundled down the road.

    Para avanzar rodando o girando: El autobús caminaba por la carretera.

  • To move slowly, noisily, or clumsily: The sheep trundled through the gate into the field.

    Moverse lentamente, ruidosamente o torpemente: Las ovejas atravesaron la puerta hacia el campo.

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