throughout-a lo largo de: kelime anlamı, tanımları ve çevirileri

İngilizce sözlük%dictionary_xs%İspanyolca

throughout nedir? throughout a lo largo de anlamına gelmektedir

a lo largo de nedir?

  • In, to, through, or during every part of; all through: The road is kept open throughout the year.

    En, a través o durante cada parte; a todos: el camino se mantiene abierto durante todo el año.

  • In or through all parts; everywhere: The material is flawed throughout.

    En o a través de todas las partes; en todas partes: el material es defectuoso en todo.

  • During the entire time or extent: Though unsure how her speech would be received, she remained calm and professional throughout.

    Durante el tiempo entero o parte: aunque no está seguro cómo recibiera su discurso, permaneció tranquilo y profesional en todo.

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