restore-restaurar: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is restore? restore is restaurar

What is restaurar?

  • To bring back into existence or use; reestablish: restore law and order.

    Para traer a la existencia o uso; restablecer: restaurar la ley y el orden.

  • To bring back to an original condition: restore a building. See Synonyms at revive.

    Para llevar a una condición original: restaurar un edificio. Ver sinónimos en revive.

  • To put (someone) back in a former position: restore the emperor to the throne.

    Para poner (alguien) de nuevo en una posición anterior: restaurar al emperador al trono.

  • To make restitution of; give back: restore the stolen funds.

    Para hacer la restitución de; devolver: restaurar los fondos robados.

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