popular-popular: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is popular? popular is popular

What is popular?

  • Widely liked or appreciated: a popular resort.

    Ampliamente querido o apreciado: un complejo popular.

  • Liked by acquaintances; sought after for company: "Beware of over-great pleasure in being popular or even beloved” ( Margaret Fuller).

    Querido por los conocidos; buscado por la empresa:

  • Of, representing, or carried on by the people at large: the popular vote.

    De, representando, o continuado por el pueblo en general: el voto popular.

  • Fit for, adapted to, or reflecting the taste of the people at large: popular entertainment; popular science.

    Apto para, adaptado o reflejando el gusto de la gente en general: entretenimiento popular; ciencia popular.

  • Accepted by or prevalent among the people in general: a popular misunderstanding of the issue.

    Aceptado por o prevalente entre la gente en general: un malentendido popular del tema.

  • Suited to or within the means of ordinary people: popular prices.

    Adecuado para o dentro de los medios de la gente común: precios populares.

  • Originating among the people: popular legend.

    Originario entre la gente: leyenda popular.

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