formal-formal: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is formal?formal is formal

What is formal?

  • Relating to or involving outward form or structure.
    Relacionadas con o que la forma exterior o estructura.
  • Being or relating to essential form or constitution: a formal principle.
    Ser o relativos a la forma esencial o Constitución: un principio formal.
  • Following or being in accord with accepted forms, conventions, or regulations: had little formal education; went to a formal party.
    Tras o estar de acuerdo con formas aceptadas, convenciones o regulaciones: tuvo poca educación formal; fui a una fiesta formal.
  • Executed, carried out, or done in proper or regular form: a formal reprimand; a formal document.
    Ejecutado, llevado a cabo o hecho en forma adecuada o regular: una reprimenda formal; un documento formal.
  • Characterized by strict or meticulous observation of forms; methodical: very formal in their business transactions.
    Caracterizado por una observación estricta o meticulosa de las formas; metódico: muy formal en sus transacciones comerciales.
  • Stiffly ceremonious: a formal manner; a formal greeting; a formal bow to the monarch.
    Rígidamente ceremonioso: una manera formal; un saludo formal; un arco formal al monarca.
  • Having the outward appearance but lacking in substance: a formal requirement that is usually ignored.
    Tener la apariencia externa pero carecer de sustancia: un requisito formal que generalmente se ignora.
  • Something, such as a gown or social affair, that is formal in nature.
    Algo, como un vestido o un asunto social, que es de naturaleza formal.