candy-dulces: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is candy? candy is dulces

What is dulces?

  • A rich sweet confection made with sugar and often flavored or combined with fruits or nuts.

    Una rica confitería dulce hecha con azúcar y a menudo aromatizado o combinado con frutas o frutos secos.

  • A piece of such a confection.

    Un pedazo de tal confitería.

  • To reduce to sugar crystals.

    Para reducir a cristales de azúcar.

  • To cook, preserve, saturate, or coat with sugar or syrup.

    Para cocinar, conservar, saturar o recubrir con azúcar o jarabe.

  • To make pleasant or agreeable; sweeten.

    Para hacer agradable o agradable; endulzar.

  • To become crystallized into sugar.

    Para cristalizarse en azúcar.

  • To become coated with sugar or syrup.

    Para ser recubierto con azúcar o jarabe.

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