agitate-agitar: meaning, definitions and translations

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What is agitate? agitate is agitar

What is agitar?

  • To cause to move with violence or sudden force.

    Para hacer moverse con violencia o fuerza repentina.

  • To upset; disturb: was agitated by the alarming news.

    Molestar; perturbar: estaba agitado por la alarmante noticia.

  • To arouse interest in (a cause, for example) by use of the written or spoken word; debate.

    Despertar interés en (una causa, por ejemplo) mediante el uso de la palabra escrita o hablada; debate.

  • To stir up public interest in a cause: agitate for a tax reduction.

    Para despertar el interés público en una causa: agitar por una reducción de impuestos.

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