ditch: المعنى والتعريفات

الإنكليزيةاكتب كلمة

ما معنىditch؟

  • A long narrow trench or furrow dug in the ground, as for irrigation, drainage, or a boundary line.
  • To dig or make a long narrow trench or furrow in.
  • To surround with a long narrow trench or furrow.
  • To drive (a vehicle) into a long narrow trench, as one beside a road.
  • To derail (a train).
  • Slang To get rid of; discard: ditched the old yard furniture.
  • Slang To get away from (a person, especially a companion).
  • Slang To discontinue use of or association with: ditch the job at the hamburger stand.
  • Slang To skip (class or school).
  • To crash-land (an aircraft) on water.
  • To dig a ditch.
  • To crash-land in water. Used of an aircraft or a pilot.