dissolves: betydelser og definitioner

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Hvad er dissolves?

  • To cause to pass into solution: dissolve salt in water. To reduce (solid matter) to liquid form; melt. To cause to lose definition; blend or blur:"Morality has finally been dissolved in pity"(Leslie Fiedler).
  • To cause to disappear or vanish; dispel: The sun dissolved the fog. That remark dissolved the tension in the room. To break into component parts; disintegrate: The deal dissolved the company into three separate businesses. To bring to an end, as by breaking up; terminate or annul:"General de Gaulle was returned to power .. with a mandate to dissolve an overseas empire that had turned into a nightmare"(Alison Jolly). To dismiss (an assembly such as a legislative body).
  • To cause to be moved emotionally or upset.
  • To pass into solution: Salt dissolves easily in water. To become liquid; melt: The clumps of snow dissolved into puddles. To lose definition; become blurred or indistinguishable:"The last shadows have dissolved into darkness"(Daniel Blajan).
  • To become disintegrated; disappear: The mist dissolves as the sun rises. To be broken up into separate parts: The empire dissolved into many separate countries. To be brought to an end; be annulled or terminated: After a long separation, the marriage finally dissolved.
  • To be moved or overcome emotionally: I dissolved into helpless laughter.
  • To make a transition between shots in a cinematic work using a superimposition in which the first shot fades out while the second shot gradually appears.