display: betekenis en definities

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What is display?

  • To present or hold up to view.
  • Computer Science To provide (information or graphics) on a screen.
  • To give evidence of; manifest.
  • To exhibit ostentatiously; show off.
  • To be endowed with (an identifiable form or character): a shrub that displays hardiness.
  • To express, as by gestures or bodily posture: a smirk that displayed contempt.
  • To spread out; unfurl: The peacock displayed its fan.
  • Computer Science To provide information or graphics on a screen: a personal computer that displays and prints.
  • The act of displaying.
  • A public exhibition.
  • Objects or merchandise set out for viewing by the public.
  • A demonstration or manifestation: a display of temper.
  • Biology A specialized pattern of behavior used to communicate visually, such as the presentation of colors or plumage by male birds as part of courtship or intimidation.
  • An instance of such behavior.
  • Ostentatious exhibition.
  • An advertisement or headline designed to catch the eye.
  • Computer Science A video display.
  • A visual representation of information.