

什么是 dip

什么是 dip

  • To plunge briefly into a liquid, as in order to wet, coat, or saturate.
  • To color or dye by immersing: dip Easter eggs.
  • To immerse (a sheep or other animal) in a disinfectant solution.
  • To form (a candle) by repeatedly immersing a wick in melted wax or tallow.
  • To galvanize or plate (metal) by immersion.
  • To scoop up by plunging the hand or a receptacle below the surface, as of a liquid; ladle: dip water out of a bucket.
  • To lower and raise (a flag) in salute.
  • To lower or drop (something) suddenly: dipped my head to avoid the branch.
  • Slang To pick the pockets of.
  • To plunge into water or other liquid and come out quickly.
  • To plunge the hand or a receptacle into liquid or a container, especially so as to take something up or out: I dipped into my pocket for some coins.
  • To withdraw a small amount from a fund: We dipped into our savings.
  • To drop down or sink out of sight suddenly: The sun dipped below the horizon.
  • To drop suddenly before climbing. Used of an aircraft.
  • To slope downward; decline: The road dipped.
  • To decline slightly and usually temporarily: Sales dipped after Christmas.
  • Geology To lie at an angle to the horizontal plane, as a rock stratum or vein.
  • To read here and there at random; browse: dipping into Chaucer.
  • To investigate a subject superficially; dabble: dipped into psychology.
  • Slang To steal by picking pockets.
  • A brief plunge or immersion, especially a quick swim.
  • A liquid into which something is dipped, as for dyeing or disinfecting.
  • A savory creamy mixture into which crackers, raw vegetables, or other foods may be dipped.
  • An amount taken up by dipping.
  • A container for dipping.

