dimensiones: 意味と定義



  • A measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length.
  • often Extent or magnitude; scope: a problem of alarming dimensions.
  • Aspect; element:"He's a good newsman, and he has that extra dimension"(William S. Paley).
  • Mathematics The least number of independent coordinates required to specify uniquely the points in a space. The range of such a coordinate.
  • Physics A physical property, such as mass, distance, time, or a combination thereof, regarded as a fundamental measure of a physical quantity: Velocity has the dimension of distance divided by time.
  • A realm of existence, as in a work of fiction, that is physically separate from another such realm:"Although it tells a grounded, political story free from aliens and alternate dimensions, the film remains packed to the brim with iconic .. characters."(Conner Schwerdtfeger).
  • To cut or shape to specified dimensions.
  • To mark with specified dimensions.