cylinder: المعنى والتعريفات

الإنكليزيةاكتب كلمة

ما معنىcylinder؟

  • Mathematics The surface generated by a straight line intersecting and moving along a closed plane curve, the directrix, while remaining parallel to a fixed straight line that is not on or parallel to the plane of the directrix.
  • Mathematics The portion of such a surface bounded by two parallel planes and the regions of the planes bounded by the surface.
  • Mathematics A solid bounded by two parallel planes and such a surface, especially such a surface having a circle as its directrix.
  • A cylindrical container or object.
  • Engineering The chamber in which a piston of a reciprocating engine moves.
  • Engineering The chamber of a pump from which fluid is expelled by a piston.
  • The rotating chamber of a revolver that holds the cartridges.
  • Any of several rotating parts in a printing press, especially one that carries the paper.
  • Archaeology A cylindrical stone or clay object with an engraved design or inscription.