crank: значение и определения

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Что такое crank?

  • A device for transmitting rotary motion, consisting of a handle or arm attached at right angles to a shaft.
  • A clever turn of speech; a verbal conceit: quips and cranks.
  • A peculiar or eccentric idea or action.
  • Informal A grouchy person.
  • Informal An eccentric person, especially one who is unduly zealous.
  • Slang Methamphetamine.
  • To start or operate (an engine, for example) by or as if by turning a handle.
  • To move or operate (a window, for example) by or as if by turning a handle.
  • To make into the shape of a crank; bend.
  • To provide with a handle that is used in turning.
  • To turn a handle.
  • To wind in a zigzagging course.
  • Of, being, or produced by an eccentric person: a crank letter; a crank phone call.
  • crank out To produce, especially mechanically and rapidly: cranks out memo after memo.
  • crank up To cause to start or get started as if by turning a crank: cranked up a massive publicity campaign.
  • crank up To cause to intensify, as in volume or force: cranks up the sound on the stereo.
  • Nautical Liable to capsize; unstable.